Destiny Child for Kakao Wiki


This young girl Child possesses a clear distinction between good and evil. She got her name from the Egyptian god Bes, who is similar in both size and values, hating evil and protecting good. She became a Child wishing to support the Master so he becomes a "nice Archfiend" who can make everyone get along.


Auto attack: Water Attack[]

Rank 1/1 Deal 92 Auto Attack damage to the target (Automatic)
Rank 7/10 Deal 640 Auto Attack damage to the target (Automatic)

Tap: Leave it to Bes[]

Rank 1/1 Deal 315 Damage, grant Max HP +700 to self and 1 Ally (Lowest HP) for 8 seconds (Only granted to self is user's HP is lowered)
Rank 7/10 Deal 2180 Damage, grant Max HP +1149 to self and 1 Ally (Lowest HP) for 8 seconds (Only granted to self is user's HP is lowered)

Slide: Pretty Flowers[]

Rank 1/1 Deal 575 Damage, grant DoT Debuff EVA +25.4% to self and up to 2 Allies (Lowest HP) for 14 seconds (Only granted to self and 1 Ally if user's HP is lowest), grant a +1600 Barrier (takes damage before HP is affected) up to 5 Allies (Priority: Lowest HP)
Rank 7/10 Deal 3529 Damage, grant DoT Debuff EVA +60% to self and up to 2 Allies (Lowest HP) for 14 seconds (Only granted to self and 1 Ally if user's HP is lowest), grant a +2360 Barrier (takes damage before HP is affected) up to 5 Allies (Priority: Lowest HP)

Drive: Play With Me[]

Level 1 Grant Emergency Transfusion (split 40% of user's HP evenly between target Allies, unaffected by Recovery Block or Death Heal) to 2 Allies with 50% or less HP (excluding self), grants Max HP +2000 to self and up to 3 Allies (Lowest HP) for 20 seconds (only granted to self and 2 Allies if user's HP is lowest)
Level 60+6 Grant Emergency Transfusion (split 40% of user's HP evenly between target Allies, unaffected by Recovery Block or Death Heal) to 2 Allies with 50% or less HP (excluding self), grants Max HP +2000 to self and up to 3 Allies (Lowest HP) for 20 seconds (only granted to self and 2 Allies if user's HP is lowest)

Leader Buff[]

Max HP +2000 for Water Type Allies, Max HP +1000 for self

General Tips[]

Preferred Equipment Weapon
Preferred Soul Carta Skill Oriented:
Stats Oriented:


Voice List[]

E Drive Skill Voice Let's Have Lotsa Fun!
D Story I Get more friends than any other demon and then be a good Archfiend that doesn't bully people!
D+ Weak Point Attack Voice I'll Help!
D++ Critical Attack Voice Pain, Pain Go Away!
C Inner Voice I I made so many new friends. Like Mona, Davi, and Lisa!
C+ Damaged Voice 1. Wha-?

2. I don't like ouchies!

3. Urk...

C++ Death Cry 1. I just wanted to be friends..

2. Waaah!

B Story II Well, I looove rainy days. ♪ Did you know? Frogs croak on rainy days.
B+ Battle Start Voice Let's all do our best.
B++ Hot Spring Voice I'm on a trip to a spring that's hot! Wowzers! This water's so warm! ♪
A Inner Voice II Hm? Why are you so worried? You just wanna se my smiley face, don't you?
A+ Slide Skill Voice Flower Go Bloom!
A++ Victory Voice I did my very best!
S Story III When it pours like that, the next day, flowers bloom. That day after a rainy day, that tomorrow, I look forward to it so much.
All Inner Voice III You're nice, Mr. Demon, so if you became the Archfiend, everyone would get along, right? That's why I'm gonna help you!

Story Dialog[]

Awakening I: Nice Demon[]

[D-Grade Unlock]

Takanashi Kana ...Demon?
Master No, uh, I mean, not THAT kinda demon.
Takanashi Kana But I just heard you: "It's hard being a demon." That's what you just said.
Takanashi Kana And you just said something about "Going to church to repent."
Master Gah... Sorry you heard all that weird stuff.
Master Quiet down, though. You know what they say: Speak of the devil, and they'll show up and start bullying me... So shhh!
Takanashi Kana But I'm not saying anything bad! Who's gonna bully you? I'll tell them they shouldn't!
Master No, see, what I'm saying is... Gah, I really lodged myself in some deep doodoo this time.
The kid's name is Kana Takanashi. She sometimes plays at the convenience store where I work.
Now, with her being shorter than the counter, I didn't notice she was here. She overheard me complaining, and now we're in this predicament.
Takanashi Kana What do demons eat?
Master Little kids like you.
Takanashi Kana What?! You shouldn't eat people!
Master Am I not getting the point across? I'm a demon.
Master *sigh* I'm joking. Demons are just like you. We eat rice and bread and stuff. Normal food.
Takanashi Kana Did you know? Rice and bread are both on the bottom of the food pyramid!
Master Uhhh...
Takanashi Kana Hey, so, why are you here? Mommy said demons live in a place called hell.
Master That's true. She's right about that. Hell's where we take little kids like you!
Takanashi Kana Hahaha! You're funny!
Master Dammit, she's not scared at all. What else could I say at this point?
Master Uh, well, the Archfiend decided to quit suddenly, see? And so, they're having this tournament to choose the next one.
Master To win the tournament, you need a lot of friends to help you out. The person who gets the most friends wins.
Takanashi Kana Do you get something good for becoming the Archfiend?
Master Something good? If I become the king of demons, I could order everyone around—tell them to do this or that. ...I guess?
Master Yeah... For example, I could tell them to stop being bad, get in line, or stop fighting with their friends. Stuff like that.
Takanashi Kana Wait, but being bad is what demons do, isn't it?
Master Well, normally, yeah. I don't like to do bad stuff, though.
Master It'd be nice if people and demons did their own thing and left each other in peace.
Takanashi Kana In that case, you should become the Archfiend! Then you could tell everyone to get along.
Master Me, become Archfiend? Ha! Don't get me wrong—I'd love to, but I'm too weak. Somebody will probably do it.
Takanashi Kana But you said if you were Archfiend, people and demons would live in peace, didn't you?
Takanashi Kana Become the Archfiend! You may be a demon, but you're a really nice one. You'd be the nicest Archfiend EVER!
Takanashi Kana I got it! I'll be your friend! I'll help you become a good Archfiend!
Takanashi Kana Get more friends than any other demon and then be a good Archfiend that doesn't bully people!

Awakening II: Raindrop[]

[B-Grade Unlock]

Mona Oh, dear. An evening shower...
Bes Oh! It's Mona. Welcome home. You're back early today.
Mona Well, well, Bes! You're such a good little one, watching the house all on your own.
Bes Yep! Mr. Demon said he was going out with a friend today. He told me to wait here.
Mona He left a little one like you all alone? Oh, Master is such a bad man. ❤ Weren't you going to meet your pactmaker today, Bes?
Bes Pact-what? Do you mean Kana? I don't think she understands me. If I greeted her, she'd greet me back, but that's it.
Bes Anyways, she's probably having fun jumping in puddles today. She loves rainy days.
Bes Although her mom will probably get mad and says she'd better come home before she catches a cold.
Mona How strange, liking rainy days...
Bes You think so?
Bes You're not the only one who's told me that.
Master Hey! Cut it out! You're splashing me! Quit stompin' around.
Takanashi Kana Hmph! I've got my rain boots on, so I'm A-Okay!
Master Well, maybe YOU'RE fine in your boots, but...
Master Anyways, why are you in such a good mood?
Takanashi Kana Cause it's pouring!
Master What, you like the rain?
Master You're a strange one. Then again, maybe we're two of a kind.
Takanashi Kana Do you like rain too, Mr. Demon?
Master Hmmm, I guess I do. Assuming I have an umbrella.
Master The sound of rain hitting an umbrella, or a window... It kinda calms me down.
Takanashi Kana Hmmm. Yeah.
Takanashi Kana Well, I looove rainy days. ♪ Did you know? Frogs croak on rainy days.
Takanashi Kana Oh, oh! And all the puddles on the ground? They're so shiny!
Takanashi Kana And...
Master And?
Takanashi Kana Ummm... Not telling!
Takanashi Kana Hey, it stopped! If we went to the park now, we could make a gigantamongous sand castle! Wanna go?
Master I think you're better off playing in the sandbox with your friends.
Takanashi Kana I'll be in charge of piling the sand up high! Mr. Demon, you're in charge of digging tunnels!
Master Yippee, tunnels. Of course I get the hard part.
Mona So you played in the park and made sand castles?
Bes Yep! The sand was wet, so we were able to make a huge one!
Bes Next time, you and Davi should come with us! Then we could build an even bigger castle!
Mona Sounds good.
Bes Okay, then let's pinkie promise.
Mona I promise.

Awakening III: Blossom[]

[S-Grade Unlock]

Bes You're in a bad mood, huh, Mr. Demon?
Bes Does your tummy hurt? Do you have depression?
Master Dep—?! That's a pretty big word for you. But no, that's not really it.
Master Hmmm, I guess if I had to put a label on it, I'm feeling empty. Demons get like this sometimes.
Master See, demons—we're born from solitude. Heh... Heh heh... Hahahaha.
Bes Empty? You mean like a bottle? I don't get it.
Bes Let's go outside together!
Bes You'll feel better if you go for a walk! I can tell you're only pretending to be happy.
Master Hrm...
Bes Ahhh! It's raining!
Bes I wish I'd brought my favorite umbrella.
Master Yeah, it doesn't look like it'll let up anytime soon.
Bes Awww, right when I was gonna get to play outside with you...
Bes I do like the rain, but I don't like getting wet.
Bes Do you wanna go home?
Master I feel bad after you went through the the trouble of taking me out, but we probably should.
Bes We'll do it again some other time.
Bes Don't be disappointed, okay? It's fine, really.
When I made a pact with Kana Takanashi and Bes was born, she was kinda taken aback. Didn't know how to react.
When she thought about her pactmaker version of herself, like in a mirror, she soon cheered up.
Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen her in a sour mood.
Master You're always so cheerful.
Bes Not always! I cry when I miss my Mommy. I can get angry too.
Bes It's not like you're always nice either, Mr. Demon.
Master Yeah, I suppose you're right.
Bes It's just like when it rains!
Bes The weather can be sunny, but sometimes it's rainy. Sometimes it's cloudy, too.
Bes I'm like that, too. There are times when I laugh and times when I cry,
Bes My friends hated rainy days but I like them.
Bes Rainy days are special. Though, that's something thought when I was still Kana.
Bes There's something I thought of telling you before but I was too shy, so I kept it to myself.
Takanashi Kana Well, I looove rainy days. ♪ Did you know? Frogs croak on rainy days.
Takanashi Kana Oh, oh! And all the puddles on the ground? They're so shiny!
Takanashi Kana And...
Bes And...
Bes When it pours like that, the next day, flowers bloom.
Bes That day after a rainy day—I look forward to it so much.
Bes We're friends, Mr. Demon. That's why I told you this.


5★ Child

Darkness Selene · Kelone · Souka · Guren · Oneiroi · Vivian · Kubera · Belial · Kanaloa · Hathor · Erebus · Harmonia · Reynard · Rani · Yami · Dalia · Zegati · Marduk · Obedient Bari · Sarasu · Ishimi · Grendel · Dianus · Duetsha · Akrasia · Ariel · Black Bunny Ophois · Scrouge · Turan · Philotes · Chandra · Phorcus · Krsnik · Strigoy · Millia · Ramlethal · Sol · Air · String Jacheongbi · Mascot Freyja · Sallos · Samael · Xenie · Captain Elysion ·Notus ·Boreas ·To Keika ·Ragaraja ·Rosanna ·Messier ·Returning Wodan ·Punishing Seth ·Severe Ziva · Lassi · Catsi · Dark Shadow Yuna · Chaser Kubaba · Driades · Artemisia · Theophano · Wyatt · Bradamante · Maupin · Lost Paradise Eve · Loki · Fantasy Dream Lisa · Perfect Mona · Alf · Whispering Metis · Nephthys · Robin · Rhea Silva · Magnificent Arhat · Caduceus · Grilla · Pepita · Epiphany Nicole · Nezha · Sunah · Theresa · Miriam · Natalis · Overtaker Titania · Hephaestus · Laima · Cacia · Cacus · Remembering Aurora · Procel · Myra · Harpy · Nirodhasatya Nirrti · Kalaratri · Clotho · Zephyros · Tiwaz · Juno · Mercury · Argos · Mate Semele · Arhat · Lupin ·Deborah · Raffles · Mircalla · Laura · Semele · Moonlight Artemis · Seth · Ophois · Hel · Methuselah · Laufey · Virupa · Ymir · Cute Euros · Fancy Sytry · Serket · Pakhet · Sweet Leda · Heket · Dazzling Venus♥ · Sparkling Neptune♥ · Dawn Saturn♥ · Brilliant Aria · Shining Mars♥ · One Sword Tiamat · Skiing Eshu · Cain · Leo · Banshee · Ziva · Giltine · Dreamer Saturn♥ · Tragedy Rusalka · Attis · Leifang · Ayane · Love & Hate Davi · Failnaught · Piercing Luin · Medusa · Luna · Thisbe · Justice Mafdet · Tamamo · Keino · Annie · Billy · Fluttering Sytry · Navi · Salome · Lightbeam Mona · Altered Davi · Limos · Kubaba · Aurora King · Wodan · Iphis · White Pomona · Bridal Hildr · Prophet Dana · Hildr · Daphnis · Ganesha · Pallas · Athena · Needfire Demeter · Worker Deino · Babel · Bes · Courtesan Bathory · Tyrving · Pan · Student Eve · Brigid · Eshu · Two-Sided Moa · Maiden Werewolf · Christmas Leda · Nicole · Pretty Mars♥ · Venus♥ · Saturn♥ · Neptune♥ · Ruffian Midas · Ailill · Party Medb · Eochaid · Rin · Katherine · Catherine · Thetis · Newbie Mona · Bathory · Resurrected Frej · Catgirl Neamhain · Rita · Swimsuit Davi · Sunbeach Mona · Anemone · Bikini Lisa · Isolde · Nine · Noel · Makoto · Astraea · Sytry · Khepri · Willow · Bari · Jacheongbi · Luin · Durandal · Ashtoreth · Honoka · Kasumi · Marie Rose · Cleopatra · Horus · Werewolf · Fennec · Raccoon · Serval · Archfiend Davi · Calypso · Buster Lisa · Brownie · Liberated Maat · Verdelet · Morgan · Myrina · Princess Snow Miku‎ · Snow Miku · Hatsune Miku · Charlotte · Moa · Guardian Chang'e · Santa Claus · Krampus · Nirrti · Eve · Lan Fei · Frej · Midas · Dana · Metis · Mafdet · Daoine Sidhe · Chang'e · Rusalka · Syrinx · Hestia · Mars · Medb · Mammon · Abaddon · Maat · Hera · Aurora · Elizabeth · Bastet · Olga · Hades · Aria · Jupiter · Red Cross · A.I · Naias · Pantheon · Diablo · Hermes · Epona · Siren · Thanatos · Big Aurora Heart · Big Heart

4★ Child

Flins · Gungnir · Gomorrah · Hydra · Creature · Unknown · Tristan · Agamemnon · Ankh · Bast · Pietas · Rudolph · Fairy · Red Nose · Merlin · Victorix · Zelos · Melpomene · Neith · Europa · Neamhain · Selene · Mayahuel · Danu · Cybele · Chimera · Yuna · Titania · Detective Girl · Artemis · Frigga · Daphne · Isis · Thoth · Pomona · Yaga · Calchas · Morrigan · Persephone · Eos · Hercules · Arges · El Dorado · Amor · Muse · Freesia · Korra · Elysion · Ishtar · Inanna · Ambrosia · Aten · Tisiphone · Guillotine · Leda · Fortuna · Hector · Hat-Trick · Lady · Fenrir · Erato · Skull · Halloween · Flora · Sonnet · Quirinus · Small Aurora Heart · Super Cosmim · Small Purple Heart · Small Yellow Heart · Small Green Heart · Small Red Heart · Small Blue Heart

3★ Child

Angel Lot · Toy Ampoule · Tyche · Boss Pig · Bremen · Mech Soldier · Mech Commander · Rune · Gift Bag · Davi · Lisa · Mona · Judas · Jana · Tartarus · Hecate · Valkyrie · Vulcan · Tiamat · Diana · Alecto · Pompoms · Kratos · Baal · Apollo · Medeia · Jeanne d'Arc · Eris · Cu Sith · Skuld · Atropos · Azure Dragon · Idun · Blood Dragon · Atalanta · Baphomet · Shamash · Demeter · Sekhmet · Euros · Hypnos · Vesta · Legend · Freyja · Cynthia · Deino · Ice Dragon · Fire Dragon · Leuce · Goga · Ptah · Chain Killer · Firo · Seshat · Morgana · Kali Yuga · Arms · Genius · Salmacis · Elias · Bazooka · Berit · Basilisk · Mnemosyne · Phoenix · Cheoyong · Manti · Fighter · Chaser · Bellboy · Ampoule · Daron · Liron · Gron · Firon · Charonn · Boxer · Mimic · Hertz · Revenge Girl · Noise · Watcher · Bouquet · Messenger · Teddy · Aurora Blobbie · Blobbie
